How to Take a Social Media Break: The Creatives’s Edition

So you booked a project that's going to keep you busy for a while? Or maybe you're just feeling burnt out and want to step away from the digital world for a while?

...but you don't want to lose traction (or sleep) over social while you're away? Either way, great! Good for you! This guide can help.

6 Steps to Take a Social Media Break for Creatives

  1. Decide how long you want your break to be. Whether it’s 2 days, 2 weeks, or a whole month, it’s up to you and what you need! Selecting a finite number can be helpful, though.

  2. Map out how many posts you want to have shared while you’re on your break. If you want to keep your account active while you’re away, you must plan ahead. I suggest aiming for 1-2 posts per week to keep things warm. Once you’ve picked your number, take the time to strategize what your posts will be. Then batch work the visuals and captions (we dive deep into my signature batch work process in The Social Media Script program) so that all elements are prepared.

  3. Load your posts into a scheduling tool. I suggest checking out Later or Planoly. These tools will connect to your social media accounts and auto-post on your behalf at the day and time of your choosing. All you have to do is upload the image(s), write the caption, add hashtags, and schedule it for the date and time you want it to post. So you can really set it, and forget it during your break.

  4. Decide if you are going to announce your break. If you are just taking a few days or a week away, for many creatives there is no need to make a post or story telling people you are taking a break or why. If you plan to be away for multiple weeks/months, then I do suggest creating a simple story or feed post letting your community know that you will be away for a while. It’s entirely up to you if you want to share the specifics as to why you are taking the break. (Or you don’t have to do this at all). 

  5. Let yourself unplug fully. Don’t log back in to check on your auto-scheduled posts. Don’t worry about posting stories or responding to comments. It can be hard to not reach for your phone and mindlessly scroll if you aren’t used to it, but stick to your commitment to your break. You can delete your social media apps from your phone completely if you’re really struggling. It can also be helpful to have a friend keep you accountable for the duration of your break.

  6. Enjoy your break! Really take the time to recharge and relax your mind. Be fully present in whatever you have going on, whether that’s working on a film or TV set, spending quality time with family or friends, or digging into a creative personal project. Be in the moment. Social media will be here when you get back. 

Moral of the story: We all need breaks. There’s nothing wrong with it, and planning for breaks in advance means you can keep your account active (and the social media algorithms from going haywire) while you are gone. This helps prevent an extreme loss of traction so you can hop back in when you return. Social media is an amazing tool we can use for our acting careers, but it should never take priority over your wellbeing! Let’s do social the stress-less and strategic way!


1. Join The Social Media Script program!

Get 150+ social media post prompts, 8+ modules of training videos, and a bi-annual update on the latest trends and ideas for social media -- all custom-created with actors and performers in mind! 

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2. Get my eyes on your acting career for a personalized marketing strategy

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3. Download my FREE Instagram Guide for Actors:

No more wondering "what to post?". These 50 Instagram Post Prompts For Actors will set you up for success and help you create content for social media that will help you connect with the right people and grow you fanbase online!

➡️ Click Here to Download


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