
let’s make visions reality.

Honest, unfiltered conversations on the emotional, mental, social, and business aspects of what it means to be a creative.

Social Media, Strategy Alison Haselden Social Media, Strategy Alison Haselden

The actor’s guide to tiktok

Many actors around the world have developed strategies to leverage the power of Tiktok to expand their personal following, get noticed by agents, managers, and casting directors, and ultimately have a new outlet to share their art with the world. We’re going to walk through what Tiktok is, how actors can use it, what we’ve learned from actor’s who have found success, and the big marketing takeaways we can apply moving forward (even if it gets banned!).

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Business, Strategy Alison Haselden Business, Strategy Alison Haselden

never question your emails to agents again

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been stressed out over writing an email in your acting career…oh all of you too? Whew. Glad we realized we’re not alone on that one. Emails are vital to the working actor’s life these days, and yet it’s another thing that they just don’t teach as part of your acting education in university or class. (Don’t worry, that’s why you have us at Beyond Acting!). 

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