5 ways for actors to use instagram reels

Have you noticed that new 15 second video feature on your Instagram lately? Is it Tiktok?! Nope, It's Instagram Reels! There is still a lot we don't know about this new update and how it will continue to evolve, however one thing we do know is that there are a ton of opportunities to use it to support your personal brand and acting career.

Get even more Instagram post ideas for actors here.

What Is Instagram Reels?

Not sure what Reels is or the basics of using it? We’ll do a brief overview here. But you can get the full step-by-step Reels playbook in this article. Instagram Reels are videos between 1 to 15-second long. It can be one or multiple video clips spliced together and taken inside or outside of the app. Your Reels will be saved in their own tab on your Instagram profile. There are all kinds of fun effects you can use to get creative with your Reels, like audio, video speed, adding effects, trimming down the length of your video, adding text in various font-styles and colors, stickers, GIFs, and so more. You’ll also be able to add a caption and hashtags, a cover photo, and where you’d like your Reels video to be shared.


If you were someone who let out a deep sigh when you heard about his new Instagram feature, this section is for you. I get it. There are so many different options out there in the social media world these days. And on top of everything else we have to juggle as actors? Talk about information overload and overwhelm. While you probably should implement a better strategy for reducing that content to-do list (you can learn my method in Marketing for Creatives 101), you might also just need to shift that perspective on Instagram Reels. 

Reels is a powerful opportunity for actors! After all, video is what we specialize in, and Reels is an entirely video-based platform. If non-actors are killing the game, then we’re gonna crush it, won’t we? Think of Reels as an opportunity to consistently dip your toes into the world of film. After all, you don’t need a professional team to create something amazing using your talents anymore. If you’re also an aspiring writer or filmmaker, you can start to experiment and learn new techniques without the risk of blowing a bunch of money on a full short or feature film. The 15-second time limit can take away some of that pressure and free you to learn, create, and connect with your community online. 

Instagram Reels is a stellar option for actors because it opens up another channel to showcase your skills while also broadening the scope of fans across the world. Show off exactly who you are, as an artist, but more importantly as a well-rounded person. 


Here are 6 specific content ideas to try as an actor on Instagram Reels:

1. reel clips & Audition Clips

While I typically don't recommend posting clips from auditions on your social media profiles, I do think that if you have a creative way to do so, Reels is a good place for them to live, due to the brief nature of them. Remember to always think about what your audience will actually want to watch (is it entertaining, funny, or informative?). And as always, never post an audition for something that you signed an NDA for and/or has not yet aired.  Get creative with this! Maybe you can show a quick “audition-to-set” before and after clip, or add a unique themed song to fit the season. The sky is the limit, but take advantage of the footage you already have to repurpose it for Reels.

2. the actor life

While you might not find it that interesting, plenty of other folks might! Share a behind the scenes look at your acting process. That could mean getting ready for an audition, preparing your material, doing makeup, or a "day in the life" of an actor! Maybe you can share about your day on set, how you face rejection, or something you learned that inspired you recently. This option is great to help build rapport with your followers and share a bit more about your personality in real life. 

3. show off your personality!

One of the great things about social media is it allows us a platform to be absolutely 100% ourselves. There’s no script to follow or character to emulate. Brainstorm some very real things do go through in your life that your followers might relate to also. How can you express that idea in a creative way on Reels? This is a great way to not only connect with your audience but share a bit more about who you really are.

4. Special Skills

Show off all those special skills on your resume! Whether it’s a dialect, sport, hobby, or off-the-wall skill, having a visual example of your special skills section is never a bad thing. Get creative with clever ways to show off your skills while also developing an Instagram Reel that your audience will really enjoy. Can you do a quick tip or tutorial sharing what you know about a language, dialect, sport, musical instrument, or hobby? Chances are your followers will be grateful to learn from you or you’ll be able to broaden your reach by connecting to other likeminded people. 15 seconds is the perfect amount of time to share the skill in a creative way without being overkill. 

5. Sketch Characters & typecasts

If you've been mulling over creating a sketch or short film, you can use Reels as a way to experiment and test different character choices and themes! Develop unique characters within your primary typecasts and get creative telling 15-second stories on Instagram Reels. Tiktok taught us that there's nothing that lifts our spirits in this time like some good ol' fashioned comedy. Whether you're an improv actor, comedic character actor, or working on building that stand-up set, Instagram Reels can be an excellent place to test new material and get feedback for actors. Besides, it’s just 15-seconds, so the pressure is relatively low. Comedy is also a really popular way to build a fan base! 

Whether comedic or dramatic, it’s a great way to create a super-mini series around one of your wheelhouse types. You’ll flex your writing, acting, and improv skills! Win, win win!

Want even more Instagram content ideas for actors? Get 50 Instagram post prompts for free here.


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3. Download my FREE Instagram Guide for Actors:

No more wondering "what to post?". These 50 Instagram Post Prompts For Actors will set you up for success and help you create content for social media that will help you connect with the right people and grow you fanbase online!

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